Let’s make it short.

Step #1 :

You can call me Nyun, Kak Nyun, or anything Nyun-related. I don’t care, as long as you don’t call me Author, Thor, Min, Admin, Eonni and another similiar nicknames.

Step #2

Do step #1 correctly and you’re free to fill the comment box below.

Name : (important one)
Year of birth : (i need to know if there's someone older than me)
Twitter Id/Id wordpress: (if you have any)
How do you think of this blog : (fill with your comments)

Let’s be a friend 😀

310 tanggapan untuk “THE DEMIGOD

  1. Hello kak nyun! saya pembaca lama kak nyun, tapi beberapa tahun saya menghilang dari sini hehe.. I’m so sorry and please forgive me :”) sepertinya saya sudah pernah memperkenalkan diri tapi apalah daya jika kak nyun tidak ingat, aku akan merasa sangat sedih hehe.. so let me introduce ma self..
    Name : Countessha Nicola L.H (Call me “TESSHA” kak nyun, cause ma name is so long and difficult to spell)
    Year of birth : 1999 (I’m younger than you 🙂 )
    Twitter Id/Id wordpress: @Countessha
    How do you think of this blog : This blog is amazing, unique, fun, etc. i love the theme about neverland, demigod, and maybe you will change the theme into another else someday, but of course i will love it too. and your story is… well i can’t even describe it in words. it is so good like i’m watching movies or dramas (i already tell you in SUMMER series) and i never get bored reading your stories cause it makes my heart melt, dag-dig-dug serr.., gemes, kesal, all my feelings get mixed. that’s make me stay here. and the last one is you. you always make a surprise with stories. you make it brilliant, and you never get us bored. thank you kak nyun 🙂 btw, kak nyun if you have another new stories that you want to upload, please let kim taehyung bts, or jungkook, or jimin or another bangtan boys member become one of the cast in your story. well, cause my fandom is BTS hehe. or let me know if you already have in other stories that you’re already upload. thank you 🙂

  2. Kak Nyun ini saya yg tetlmbat atau saya lupa sdah perna mmperknlkn diri…..?????
    Yg psti saya itu pecinta tulisan mu sejak zamax bloody Star(ff inilah yg mmbuat saya menjdi KrisYul Shiper sampai skrng). Alwayd loving you’r story…. because U’r my J.k Rowlin..####
    Nama : Rania
    Kelahiran : 27. Mei 1996
    FB : Rania Rahman SonElf Amahoru
    IG : Raniaamahoru_96
    Wattpad : Rania SonElf
    Sekian Kak Nyu

Ain't a selfie, don't just look, write something

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